Otis Strange is an original Canadian Rock band that formed in 1992 in Ottawa, Ontario. The name derives from a line in Shakespeare’s Hamlet “O’tis strange the night…” The band’s present-day style is an eclectic funky acoustic vibe with a percussive twist, which they define as ‘Urban Roots Rock’. The members are (from left to right) Dave MacLachlan (Mug) on lead vocals, Jonny Olsen (Jonny O) on drums, Nelson Hursti (Nelly) on guitar and Dave Matsukubo (Kubo) on bass. As of September 2024, the band has added a fantastic new member, Heather Birchard (Asia) on lead and backup vocals.
Opening the show will be a longtime friend of the band, Marcus Maidment. Both Marcus and OTIS STRANGE will be focussing on original acoustic material for the evening.
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